A journal of our life as a family and the trial and error that occures on a regular basis, also if you have a love of bad spelling and terrible grammar you'll be in for a special treat.

'When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half' Gracie Allen

Thursday 29 May 2008

We Are Leaving on a Jetplane.

Tickets have been booked, plans have been made and we are going to Canada. We managed to book a direct flight from Sydney to Vancouver, no stop overs and only 14 hours. Not bad, I think I can handle that. Of course I say this sitting on my couch while Mabesy is napping and it is peaceful and quite. I might change my tune when we are 30,000 feet in the air and Mabesy is screeching and having a meltdown because she is over tired and confined from doing what 18 month olds do. But heh, no biggie. It is only 14 hours and as they say,"This to shall pass"( This will probably be my mid flight mantra) I am looking forward to seeing Mabesy get very excited at the airport when she sees all the airpowaynes. Mabesynese for airplane.

I getting very excited to see everybody, especially Gran. It will be my first time in Vancouver during the summer in years, I'm looking forward to it.

On another completely different note, I think Caillou is a whiny little a-hole. Unfortunately Mabesy watches it when it is one so I will just have to learn to suffer through his little whiny a-hole-ness.

Monday 12 May 2008

I Love Jemaine and Brett

I probably find this so amusing because this probably most accurately describes "business time" in our house.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I am very lucky to have the mom I have. I remember my childhood fondly. She was always up for doing fun things. We would make cookies and/or play doh together regularly. Or go on nature walks and look at all the bugs and flowers. She would wipe away my tears with a warm wash cloth and give me all the cuddles I needed when I would come home from school after a day of being bullied and make me feel all better. She even helped me egg one of the bulling bitches mailbox. The biotch deserved it. She also tried very hard not to laugh at me when I got sprayed by a tiger at the zoo but of course I got all pissy(no pun intended, haha) because that just what preteen girls do best. My mom was my best friend growing up, still is and always will be. Being an only child she made sure I was never bored. We've had so much fun together, going to movies, shopping and people watching. She didn't kill me still loves me even though a a 16 year old girl went to the Vancouver riots and didn't come home until 4am. while she watched the news in horror thinking her little girl was going to get killed, or when I put her car in the ditch and got delivered home but the cops. I have a new appreciation for this now that I'm a mother, and I'm so very sorry for those things.I got a tattoo when I was 13, ya I was a mighty badass, and a few years later when I finally felt I had to tell her, hiding was just getting to hard. I told her I had something I needed to tell her and ummed and awwed for ages and told her that she was going to be upset. She started getting concerned about what I wanted to tell her and thought that I was going to tell her I was a lesbian. When she asked me if that's what it was I told her "no, I have tattoo" She said, "Oh, that's it? I thought you were going to tell me you were a lesbian, a tattoo? That's alright then." She wouldn't care if I were gay anyways. I hope that I can be the kind of mom to Mabesy that my mom was/is to me.

This is my second mothers day, I can't believe how lucky I am to have my baby lady. She completes my life. I thank the stars everyday that she is happy and healthy and can't wait for our years together and what adventures they may bring.

This morning I was awoken by B and Mabesy with coffee and doughnuts in bed. It was lovely. I also got a pair of pink ugg boots because I've been bitching commenting on how cold my feet have been lately. B also got Mabesy a matching pair. I took a picture but the computer will not read my new card. Bummer. This afternoon we are meeting some good friends at the beach who have a little girl 3 days younger than Mabesy.

To all the mommies out there, I wish you a happy mothers day and hope you have a lovely day with your family. Too the mommies that my not have their babies to hold and hug because they left too soon and the mommies that no longer have theirs, I'll be thinking of you today. Love to all! I love you Mama!!!