A journal of our life as a family and the trial and error that occures on a regular basis, also if you have a love of bad spelling and terrible grammar you'll be in for a special treat.

'When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half' Gracie Allen

Thursday 29 May 2008

We Are Leaving on a Jetplane.

Tickets have been booked, plans have been made and we are going to Canada. We managed to book a direct flight from Sydney to Vancouver, no stop overs and only 14 hours. Not bad, I think I can handle that. Of course I say this sitting on my couch while Mabesy is napping and it is peaceful and quite. I might change my tune when we are 30,000 feet in the air and Mabesy is screeching and having a meltdown because she is over tired and confined from doing what 18 month olds do. But heh, no biggie. It is only 14 hours and as they say,"This to shall pass"( This will probably be my mid flight mantra) I am looking forward to seeing Mabesy get very excited at the airport when she sees all the airpowaynes. Mabesynese for airplane.

I getting very excited to see everybody, especially Gran. It will be my first time in Vancouver during the summer in years, I'm looking forward to it.

On another completely different note, I think Caillou is a whiny little a-hole. Unfortunately Mabesy watches it when it is one so I will just have to learn to suffer through his little whiny a-hole-ness.

Monday 12 May 2008

I Love Jemaine and Brett

I probably find this so amusing because this probably most accurately describes "business time" in our house.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I am very lucky to have the mom I have. I remember my childhood fondly. She was always up for doing fun things. We would make cookies and/or play doh together regularly. Or go on nature walks and look at all the bugs and flowers. She would wipe away my tears with a warm wash cloth and give me all the cuddles I needed when I would come home from school after a day of being bullied and make me feel all better. She even helped me egg one of the bulling bitches mailbox. The biotch deserved it. She also tried very hard not to laugh at me when I got sprayed by a tiger at the zoo but of course I got all pissy(no pun intended, haha) because that just what preteen girls do best. My mom was my best friend growing up, still is and always will be. Being an only child she made sure I was never bored. We've had so much fun together, going to movies, shopping and people watching. She didn't kill me still loves me even though a a 16 year old girl went to the Vancouver riots and didn't come home until 4am. while she watched the news in horror thinking her little girl was going to get killed, or when I put her car in the ditch and got delivered home but the cops. I have a new appreciation for this now that I'm a mother, and I'm so very sorry for those things.I got a tattoo when I was 13, ya I was a mighty badass, and a few years later when I finally felt I had to tell her, hiding was just getting to hard. I told her I had something I needed to tell her and ummed and awwed for ages and told her that she was going to be upset. She started getting concerned about what I wanted to tell her and thought that I was going to tell her I was a lesbian. When she asked me if that's what it was I told her "no, I have tattoo" She said, "Oh, that's it? I thought you were going to tell me you were a lesbian, a tattoo? That's alright then." She wouldn't care if I were gay anyways. I hope that I can be the kind of mom to Mabesy that my mom was/is to me.

This is my second mothers day, I can't believe how lucky I am to have my baby lady. She completes my life. I thank the stars everyday that she is happy and healthy and can't wait for our years together and what adventures they may bring.

This morning I was awoken by B and Mabesy with coffee and doughnuts in bed. It was lovely. I also got a pair of pink ugg boots because I've been bitching commenting on how cold my feet have been lately. B also got Mabesy a matching pair. I took a picture but the computer will not read my new card. Bummer. This afternoon we are meeting some good friends at the beach who have a little girl 3 days younger than Mabesy.

To all the mommies out there, I wish you a happy mothers day and hope you have a lovely day with your family. Too the mommies that my not have their babies to hold and hug because they left too soon and the mommies that no longer have theirs, I'll be thinking of you today. Love to all! I love you Mama!!!

Saturday 26 April 2008

I've Got The Expat Blues...Da na na na na

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing living on the other side of the world to my family. Although I love Australia, it is where my own family is. It is where I fell in love with B, it is the country where I gave birth to my daughter and have raised her so far. But everyone I want to share it with is a bazillion miles away. It makes me feel sad and guilty. My gran is quite sick and when I think about it, this is when I get my saddest. I am so far away and all I want to do is be able to spend time with her and for her to spend time with my daughter. I know it would light her heart up to see Sue-Sue again. And I also feel terrible that I have denied my mom the experience of being a hands on Grandma. I know it breaks her heart and mine too. Mabel would love to see her Granny and get spoilt rotten. I would love to go home and visit everyone, but the thought of flying 24 hours with a 1.5 year old scares the bejesus out of me. Maybe I need to get over that and realize that it is only 24 hours and we'll survive and get my ass on a plane...

Saturday 12 April 2008

Life's a Beach

To be young and free.

Stepping out of your comfort zone.

Finding new adventures

Learning to trust.

Making friends.

Being with those you love.

Most importanly not forgeting to stop and smell the wah-wah's(flowers)

Saturday 29 March 2008

We Are So Moving To New Zealand For The Next One!

Seeing Miss Mabes did not sleep through until a couple of months ago, I'll try anything if it means more sleep with numero duo...(I feel as if I should add a disclaimer here, as my mom is probably the only one that reads this...) There is no numero duo on the way at the moment.

(Apparently)New Zealand Babies Sleep The Best

An international survey has found New Zealand babies sleep better and go to bed earlier than any other babies worldwide and, crucially, wake less during the night.

The survey, commissioned by baby product developer Johnson’s Baby, examined the sleeping habits of nearly 8000 babies aged 0-36 months in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the UK and the United States.
The survey also discovered babies here were less likely to be difficult to settle to sleep.

The survey said New Zealand babies woke less than average during the night (0.9 times per night), were less likely to sleep in their parents’ bedroom (18%) and were more likely to have the same bedtime routine (82%).

Dr Alex Bartle, director of the Sleep Well Clinics, said parents who were worried about their children’s sleep patterns needed to focus on routine.

‘‘Establishing a routine is the essence to getting babies to sleep better. For infants up to 6 or 9 months old, parents should try and establish a routine of half-an-hour quiet time before baby is bathed, massaged and put to bed,’’ Dr Bartle said.

‘‘For toddlers, parents can allow up to an hour’s quiet time before their bedtime routine begins. This routine should consist of pyjamas, teeth, toilet and bed. Once the toddler is in bed, parents can read them a story then lights out.’’

Thursday 27 March 2008

Lovin' This

Chris Cornell's cover of Billie Jean. Poo poo on you Wacko Jacko. Which do you prefer? Although, I can't help but to want to bust a move to WJ's version.

Sometimes you just can't win

My SIL M, the one who is doing IVF and only has a few months before she is no longer able to pursue it due to age, has had a crap month. I feel so bad for her and wish that she could catch a break. She had one embryo transferred a few weeks ago, it didn't work. And now she is in hospital with pneumonia, and because of that she will miss a cycle and that is big seeing time isn't one her side. She only has time for 4 more cycles and that is if they are back to back. Cross your fingers for her. She wants this so bad. I can't imagine her pain to want something so bad and it just be out of reach. She is in such a panic. Unfortunately this cartoon is too true.

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Dear Mabsey Babsey,

The little things that I never want to forget
-You like to tickle your eyelashes as you fall asleep.
-You wave bye-bye when your tired and ready for night-nights.
-You do a mean Flavor Flav impression when you choose your own accessories (see picture).
-You eat tomatoes like they are apples.
-I love having breakfast with you and when you feed me your pre chewed banana's(You are the ONLY person on earth that I will let do that!)
-You've recently learnt to take your nappy of and love to poop with it off, you've also stepped in it and thought that it was hilarious. And because we are your mom and dad we think it is funny to and kind of cute.
-You love to dance. And you have some spectacular moves I must say, and I'm convinced that you'll win season 15 of So You Think You Can Dance.
-You like to walk around with a shirt on your head so you can't see and bump into things.
-You love your doggy and he is learning to love you. You are always trying to kiss him and at the moment he is always trying to hide, you pull his ears and make him cry but he never gets angry and tries to bite you.
-You still love your sue-sue (dummy). I was only going to give it to you until you were 6 weeks, but whatever, I couldn't take it away because you love it so.
-You can now say doggy, more, mommy, daddy, birdie, turkey, bottle, your doggies name, Coco, but to a stranger they might not know what your trying to say. But I'm your mommy so I can hear it.
-You make gratuitous yum sounds when your served food. (Which I thank you because I know I'm not the best cook)
-The beach is one of your favorite places.
-You yell WEEEEEAAAHHHH when on the swings or slide.
-You try to drink your bottle or give kisses with your sue-sue in. (Very cute)
-Your Dada and I are always talking about you and the cute things you've done that day after you've gone to bed.
I love you and am so proud of you and grateful to be your Mama, and always will.

Saturday 1 March 2008

About Bloody Time

The Blues and Roots Festival will now be held at Belongil Fields this year. So hopefully now you can breath AND expand your lungs, instead of feeling like your in a 2 man tent with 20 of your stinkiest mates. Now I just need a bazillion dollars so I can go throw my knickers at the John Butler Trio and steal one of their used Hankies. Whatever. Kidding. Really. Don't even ask me what I would steal or throw if Ben Harper was going to be there this year. Seriously.

Friday 29 February 2008

Only Once Every 4 Years

In honour of all the leap year babies out there HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Good Boy

It seems that like my "talk" the other day worked. I no longer feel the urge to pack up all my stuff and squeal out of the driveway on two tires/tyres*. After I spent two days completely losing my shit it looks like B got my point. He has cleaned the bedroom, the yard and has taken the rubbish out all on his own. I didn't even need to put the bag on top of his shoes so he would notice it. He also wants to take Mabel out more so I can do things that involve me totally wasting time like, sipping lattes and surfing the internet looking at useless crap in a cafe or going to see a movie. Basically stuff that I can't do with a 16 monther in tow. So now that he is being a good boy, for his birthday yesterday I got him a remote control helicopter that he has been drooling over for a while. Whatever floats your boat. He means well don't get me wrong, but sometimes he needs 'reminders'. It does feel really good to hash out all the issues and clean the slate and move on.

*Tyres, I still don't know why Australians use a y in tire, if anybody can 'splain this it would be appreciated. I also love how they call panel beating, "smash repairs". It makes me giggle everytime I see it.

Monday 25 February 2008

I am Woman Hear Me Roar!

Is it normal to want a divorce every time I get PMS? B has been pissing me off a lot lately. Apparently we have two different views on household responsibilities. Although we had a good talk(I talked, he listened and grumbled a lot) last night so hopefully things will improve. I also gave him washing machine and dishwasher 101. I felt a lot better today after going to the gym, at least the murderous rage has subsided...

Friday 22 February 2008

Houston, We Have Lift Off.

Mabesy is walking. She has shown me in the past that she can in fact walk but chooses not to, she is now using it as her main mode of transport. So proud. She's a late bloomer, what can I say.

Although she is totally amazing at ripping buttons of my keyboard. She excels at it. I took it to be fixed today, but now have to wait for a part the size of a hang nail until I can have my H and a few vowels back. Oy vey. What can you do? Ummm... not leave something as temping as a laptop in toddler range. check that. Lesson learnt.

And a random thought of the day, why the heck doesn't Stallone give it up already? Like we need to watch a geriatric oompa loompa run around in combat fatigues showing us he still has it. Rambo, obviously NOT on my must see list. With that said, B looked like a kid in a candy store when he seen the promo and immediately requested we go see it. Ya thank but no thanks!

And a rant to end the day. I went to the gym this am(did a spin class and now feel like I've just given birth all over again.)Anyhoo, dropped Mabel off and when I went to pick her up there were scraps of a PEANUT BUTTER sandwich all over the floor. When I raised my concern about it the women thought I was going on about the mess. Uh no...that's not exactly it lady. Some ninny sent her kids with peanut butter as a snack. Duh. Some people piss me off that don't think shit through. The carer said, "but nobody has a peanut allergy here." I told her, "not that we are aware of anyways, but probably nit the best place to find out." So I spoke to the gym manager and asked that some guide lines be placed in order to protect the kiddos. There can be 20 kids in there at a time and I'm sure that there will be child at some point that has allergies. I have niece's who have allergies to peanut that requires epi pens and why Mabesy hasn't even glanced at a nut. OK, rant over.

Sunday 17 February 2008

Seriously, WTF was I thinking?

On Wednesday I went for my first workout. I was really looking forward to it(and my little mini time off...) so went for it. Really went for it. I did 45 mins on the treadmill, half the time speed walking the other half running. Then I did abs for 20 minutes, and then the ciruit. I was exusted my the end but felt great. So I went and picked Mabesy Babsey up and booked her in for the next day so I could do the ab, butt and thighs class. She had alot of fun in creche and there was a little baby there that she was constantly trying to poke in the eyes, nose and mouth to show them that she knew what the were. All the while clapping for her self when she got it right.Where was I? Oh ya, so the next day I was a little sore but okish. I went and did the class, which consisted of doing 17 hours of deep lunges and sit ups. OUCH! Anyhoo, the next day I was in agony. I have been walking like Frankienstein for 3 days. B finds this very halirous. Especially when I'm trying to get over the baby gates. It takes me awhile. And Mabesy's new thing is uppy, She is always asking to be picked up. It been challenging to say the least. So I think I may have gone in a wee bit gungho. Baby steps, baby steps. But I'm going back tomorrow for more. Bring it on. And the fact that I have to book Mabel in keeps me honest. So here's hoping the pain will subside as I get more kick ass fit. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

I Finally Did It!!!

I joined the gym! I know, I know all those promises I make to myself when I do these things, I'm really going to keep them this time. Really. REALLY. But although it will be sooo good to finally get back into shape and stop those looks of people wondering if I'm already having my second bub, because I'm NOT! Just still a little 'curvy' from Miss Mabesy. Oh ya, where was I going again... the gym, but I think it would be a good oportunity to have a bit of time to myself. Who would have thought I'd have to join a gym just to 'get away', how things change. The local gym had a deal that I just couldn't turn down and they have a good creche(a weird australian word for daycare, I know, I don't really understand either). Anyhoo I left her there for a half hour today while I took the tour and signed up, ect. and she loved it. I went in and put her down, played with her for a minute(even though she left me for dead as soon as she seen there were people her size in there) and then I made my exit. When I went back she was rocking a doll(although slightly rough) in a little crib with another girl, then all of a sudden they banded together to throw the baby and the crib outside over the gate. Oh well, I guess it's like team work and all that good stuff. When I went to pick her up to go she lost it. Like really lost it. Meltdown. Anyways, I'm stoked that she liked it that much as a friend of mine was going to join as well but didn't because her son wouldn't stay in the creche and was miserable when she left, screamed his little head off. So I'm off to the gym in the morning to get my ass kicked, but for now I'm watching the new 'contraversial'series Underbelly with a glass of vino. Good times people, Goodtimes!

Colonel Sanders

And with how much she loves chicken I wouldn't be suprised if she was him in a past life.


My sister-in-law, M, is 44. She found Mr.Right late in life and is now under going IVF in order to have a child. She only has 5 months until she is 45 and no longer excepted into the IVF program. She was to have her first egg retrieval today, but I just got a sms from her saying that they were unsucessful at retrieving an eggs. I can't imagine how hard it is to want something so bad and have it just out of reach. She also said that they are too old to adopt so this is their only option and if it doesn't work they are out of luck. I hope they have a successful cycle before her birthday but the odds unfortunately aren't in her favour.

Monday 11 February 2008

My New Couches!

I present you with my new couches!!! I am very proud as they are the first brand new couches I have ever owned. It only took me 30 years...whatever. We ended up getting the scotchgarding and 5 year warranty. That alone was $190.00 but he gave it to us for $170.00, but with a two foot terrorist and a hubby who is even messier, very important. It is also why I opted for the chocolate brown microfibre and not the nice cream set! B was hard to convince with getting the extra warranty(he can be slightly el cheapo), but after I pointed out that we can get them re-upholstered right before the warranty runs out he was on board ;) The only problem is I have to wait 3 weeks before my babies arrive :(

Sunday 10 February 2008

Sweet Jebus, it's gone!

Today was a bit of a milestone. The last apron string of our old pizza shop was cut. The 1968 Pontiac parisienne that was part payment was sold. It almost didn't happen as the guy who was going to buy it called the night before he was suppost to fly in from Melbourne to say he changed his mind. We were very disapointed. He ended up calling later on and said that he still wanted to but the car and was booked to fly in the next morning. It was originally an HK Monero but through a few trades it turned into a Parisienne. Anyhoo, so we offically are clear and free of anything that has to do with Cheapizza. Yipee. Which means I'm going couch shopping tomorrow! Woot!

Saturday 9 February 2008

Welcome to the world August Josephine!!!

My beautiful neice was born on January 25th. weighing 6 pounds and 6 ounces!!! I wish I could have been there to welcome her in person but I was there in heart.

What a year!

I can't believe my little girl is 1! Wow, where does the time go? Seriously! Anyways, we made it intact and sane. She's turning into my little girl, but will always be my baby. It makes me sad at times. We have gone to Canada to visit my family and so they could meet my sweetpea. We were only going to be gone for three weeks and ended up staying 2 months. I figured after flying with a 1 year old I might as well make the most of it! It was so good to see everyone and being able to have family around. It gets tough doing it on our own with no support near by, but we surivive. We just went to Melbourne for Brad's sisters wedding and it was awesome to see everybody. I miss them too! It would be nice to live there but there are pros and cons to everything. I like Melbourne but I've realized I'm no longer a city gal. I like my quite life in the country, what can I say? Anyhoo, life in general is great and I can't complain
I can't believe that her foot was so small only a year ago...