A journal of our life as a family and the trial and error that occures on a regular basis, also if you have a love of bad spelling and terrible grammar you'll be in for a special treat.

'When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half' Gracie Allen

Monday 28 September 2009

Still Here

Exams are coming up so I am studying like mad and will be back in about 2 weeks.
Things have been pretty tame around here and not much else is new.
-Other than we sold the 'red lemon', our crap-tastic car.
-I recieved a $1000 fine for no rego because of a mix up with the RTA, still have to write a letter(sob story) to try to get off of it...
-Bought a reliable japanese made car.
After the 'red lemon' I have a new appriecation for reliable cars and the cost of repairs (or lack there of).
Go Team Subaru and suck it Team Landrover!

Sunday 6 September 2009

We have had a lovely weekend. Jenny's party was soooo much fun, although I did wake up this morning with my head a wee bit foggy. It was nothing a bit of caffeine and grease couldn't cure.
Although, Mabesy and I had to make B's father's day present this morning(because I some how ALWAYS forget that father's day in Australia is different to Canada; although I did remember last week for 20 minutes, enough time to by the crafts and then promptly forget again...) it was a bit hard to get motivated to do. She painted/glued some crap on canvas and I wrote happy father's day on it and he loved it. We also took him breaky in bed.
B took a 4 day weekend this week which is soo nice for us because he works 10pm-6am. It gives us a chance to all live within the same time schedule. He is basically nocturnal.
So after we got him up we headed of to the markets for good food, face painting and pony rides. Although me being a total idiot told a 2.5 year old before having the pony's right in front of my face to confirm there were indeed pony rides about to happen really sucked the big one when bam! no pony's this week! Suckage. Oh well, she got over it and we all headed to the beach with the pooch and built sand castles while the sun set. It was the perfect way to end a great weekend.

This is a picture Jenny's cake. I tried to load more but blogger wouldn't let me :( I love Jenny's logic, she figured since she bought the cake, she might as well be honest. Happy Birthday Jenny!

Saturday 5 September 2009

Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun shine a little light on me!

I woke up this morning when B got home from work at 6:30am to the sound of pouring rain and thought Jenny's party was going to be rained out. The thought of having to tell Mabesy that the bouncey castle she has been pining for wasn't going to happen was disappointing to say the least.
Later in the morning the sky's cleared and the sun came out with a roar and the kookaburra's started laughing. Mabesy even got to have her bath on the veranda.
We are about to put on our party dresses on and hit the road.
I think today will turn out just fine :)

Friday 4 September 2009


Thank goodness it is Friday because I'm knackered. It has been a long day. It think the 2 hour drive to and from school has alot to do with it as well. It isn't an easy road to drive either, I think it is more apt to call it a goat track!
I had to go into to uni today for Bio, had a lecture first thing and then the labs. The lecture went right over my head, it was about acid base, electrolytes and fluid balance. zzzzz. It had alot of bio chem in it and I think when my brain starts seeing and hearing things like H+, HCL, ions and crap it just atrophies and shrivels up. eekk. I will definitely need to spend some extra time on it this week. It didn't help that during the lab when the lab assistant was going over the lab worksheets/questions she was only reading off the answers and then when the lab teacher came in she started correcting her because the lab assistant was talking(or reading) out of her ass. She basically feed us incorrect info the entire lab. It is just frustrating because bio is already a difficult subject for myself and that it is made even more so by someone in a teaching position that has no clue themselves. Not to mention we are paying big bucks in HECS for it. And breath, rant and whinge over.
Afterwards I headed over to my dear friend Jenny's house to help her get set up for her 40th party tomorrow. Can't wait, it should be lots of fun. She's even hired a bouncy castle and a sitter to hang around and watch the kiddo's for a bit so the adults can hang out and have a glass of wine and gasbag.
I made the mistake of telling Mabesy about the part and bouncy castle last week and ever since whenever we get in the car she asks if we are going to the girls house to play in the bouncy castle. Needless to say there has been quite a few disappointments this week.
I met Jenny in antenatal classes when we were preggers with our girls. Since then we have been great friends and our girls have as well. Jenny is also studying nursing with me as well. Our mum's are both nurses and our dad's both drunks. woo hoo. Although it is great to be able to talk to her about those things because she understands.
Anyways, I think it will be a lovely weekend. Mabesy and I are off for breaky with my sis in law , then we are off to Jenny's party for the rest of the day and then finish the weekend with a cruisy father's day on Sunday. Hopefully the sun will shine for us but if not oh well, when you live somewhere so dry and rely on rainwater for day to day life you have to take it when it comes. Although, it would be nice if those black clouds could go away and come back Monday ;)

Thursday 3 September 2009


I was reading through my usual blogs on reader and came upon my blog(this one, I nearly forgot it even existed) and to my suprise I have 3 subscribers. Wow, I'm shocked that I have anybody. I am so crap at keeping a blog that I'm suprised anyone out there would have the patience for me or care to hear about silly supermarket tantrums to flat tires. I guess I don't keep up with the blog because I figure the stuff I have to say could be bOrInG. Hmmm... I did start this as a journal to write stuff dowm to remember stuff and it could be quite cathartic. Maybe I shall just start writing about my boring day to day stuff. Why not.
On another completely different note, Mom has gotten her work visa and will be moving here soon!!! I hope that she can handle the summers here as she's not 'big on heat'. Looks like we will be A/C shopping. I am stoked beyond belief that she is coming her to live and be able to be a day to day part of our lives. I can't even remember what it is like to have family living close where I could drop by for a coffee and a chat or drop the kiddo off for a couple of hours sanity. She said that hopefully the big move will happen in the next few months, she told me that she doesn't want to be in Canada for the winter. WooooT!

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Now that is what I call a haitus!

Wow. It has been a while.
So much and so little has happened.
In my last post I was going to Canada to visit my family and spend time with my Granny. It was a wonderful trip and I ended up staying just over two months. It was a magical summer spent with them. Beautiful weather, beautiful people but most of all beautiful memories.
It was my Granny's last summer and she past away a few months after we left. She passed in her sleep after a brave battle with cancer. She never seen herself a strong women but she was in every sense of the word. She'd had some hard times in her life as a first nations woman and always managed to pick herself up and keep going.
It hasn't been a good couple of years for my family, so much tragedy. We lost both my Grandpa, Granny, my cousin R and my Uncle R. We have lost too many people in our family and so hopeful things will start looking up. It has been extremely hard on my Mom. She also suddenly lost her best girlfriend that she's know for years.
It has been hard on me as well but living so far away for so many years I don't have the day to day loss as the rest of my family. But it is hard none the less.
Anyways, enough of the heavy stuff...life is a yo-yo and what goes down must come up. Right? RIGHT???
So I did what I perceived as the impossible for myself. I started uni. I never seen myself as someone who was clever, smart, or whatever enough to enter the academic world. But gosh darn it, I went and did it!(A bit of Stuart Smiley for ya!)
I had to do a tertiary prep course and upon successfully finishing it they gave me an offer! I still keep waiting for someone to jump out of the bushes and tell me that I've been "punked" and to get off campus. Those thoughts are slowly fading and I'm getting used to my new label as a uni student. I passed my first semester with flying colours so I'm breathing a wee bit easier.
Mabesy has grown up sooo much. I no longer have a baby but a little girl. Sniff, sniff... She is a happy, funny, cute and typical two year old full of tantrums and battle of the wills. Love her. I know that she will never be pushed around and told what to do.
Oh yeah, I also got my Australian citizenship. I would like to thank the Australian government by allowing big to accumulate a ginormous HECS debt. Thank you! Seriously thank you...without you I'd have to sell crack in a back alley to pay for my tuition...