A journal of our life as a family and the trial and error that occures on a regular basis, also if you have a love of bad spelling and terrible grammar you'll be in for a special treat.

'When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half' Gracie Allen

Saturday 1 March 2008

About Bloody Time

The Blues and Roots Festival will now be held at Belongil Fields this year. So hopefully now you can breath AND expand your lungs, instead of feeling like your in a 2 man tent with 20 of your stinkiest mates. Now I just need a bazillion dollars so I can go throw my knickers at the John Butler Trio and steal one of their used Hankies. Whatever. Kidding. Really. Don't even ask me what I would steal or throw if Ben Harper was going to be there this year. Seriously.

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