A journal of our life as a family and the trial and error that occures on a regular basis, also if you have a love of bad spelling and terrible grammar you'll be in for a special treat.

'When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half' Gracie Allen

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Dear Mabsey Babsey,

The little things that I never want to forget
-You like to tickle your eyelashes as you fall asleep.
-You wave bye-bye when your tired and ready for night-nights.
-You do a mean Flavor Flav impression when you choose your own accessories (see picture).
-You eat tomatoes like they are apples.
-I love having breakfast with you and when you feed me your pre chewed banana's(You are the ONLY person on earth that I will let do that!)
-You've recently learnt to take your nappy of and love to poop with it off, you've also stepped in it and thought that it was hilarious. And because we are your mom and dad we think it is funny to and kind of cute.
-You love to dance. And you have some spectacular moves I must say, and I'm convinced that you'll win season 15 of So You Think You Can Dance.
-You like to walk around with a shirt on your head so you can't see and bump into things.
-You love your doggy and he is learning to love you. You are always trying to kiss him and at the moment he is always trying to hide, you pull his ears and make him cry but he never gets angry and tries to bite you.
-You still love your sue-sue (dummy). I was only going to give it to you until you were 6 weeks, but whatever, I couldn't take it away because you love it so.
-You can now say doggy, more, mommy, daddy, birdie, turkey, bottle, your doggies name, Coco, but to a stranger they might not know what your trying to say. But I'm your mommy so I can hear it.
-You make gratuitous yum sounds when your served food. (Which I thank you because I know I'm not the best cook)
-The beach is one of your favorite places.
-You yell WEEEEEAAAHHHH when on the swings or slide.
-You try to drink your bottle or give kisses with your sue-sue in. (Very cute)
-Your Dada and I are always talking about you and the cute things you've done that day after you've gone to bed.
I love you and am so proud of you and grateful to be your Mama, and always will.

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